Lunchless Thursday

April 21, 2011 at 5:16 pm Leave a comment

The ‘pea and I rolled out of the house this morning with plenty of time to spare.  The sky was cloudy but the world was light and awakening.  A nice tailwind tickled my heels the entire commute.  The clouds began to break up after a few miles, and high in the sky the sun touched their tops with pink just as I rolled down the long hill to work.  A great start to the day.

Pulling the panniers off the bike and opening their flaps, though, I quickly realized  something was wrong.  Lunch was nowhere to be found, still in the refrigerator at home.  Gah!

It was bound to happen.  At least several times a season I fail to remember either lunch or underwear.  Over the years I’ve improvised solutions to the latter problem, but have never found a way to stash appetizing food in the office.  Anything with a long shelf life starts looking (and tasting) really, really bad after a couple of months.  The exception is chocolate, although no package of Ghirardelli dark squares has ever lasted longer than three weeks in my possession.

Working in a lovely bucolic setting is wonderful much of the time, except on days when I forget my lunch.  It leaves very few options.  I can walk or bike a half-mile uphill to the nearest fast food restaurant (unlimited french fries!), where I haven’t eaten in years.  I can ask a coworker to pick up something when they’re out for lunch, although today most stayed in due to a special event.  Or I can visit the snack machines, where sandwiches dangle with obscure names like “Double Broil Deluxe,” “Triple Stack,” and “Bacon Scrambler.”

Any guesses as to what I did?

a) Stayed hungry
b) Walked up the hill for unlimited fries
c) Bought the Triple Stack
d) Begged a coworker for half their sandwich
e) Ate the whole bag of Ghirardelli chocolates
f) All of the above

If you guessed “a” you obviously don’t know me very well.

Entry filed under: Bicycling, Commuting. Tags: .

A Week in the Life of a Tree Hardcore

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I don't bicycle for a living, but I do bicycle to live. It's that simple.

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2012: 3,624 miles total
2011: 1,632 miles total
2010: 3,132 miles total
2009: 2,840 miles total